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Foromovie Jirrilaxxa Karatteristika ta' Appoġġ 3D għal Theater Premium


Aħna eċċitati li naqsmu dan Formovie has officially released the long-awaited Appoġġ 3D karatteristika għal tagħhom Theater Premium! This upgrade has been made possible through the OTA (Over-The-Air) aġġornament Bħala tagħhom special partner, we are thrilled to be among the first to receive this update and bring this fantastic new functionality to our customers. 

From No 3D Support to 3D Projection

Previously, the Theater Premium projector did not support 3D content, which left many users eagerly waiting for an immersive viewing experience. In response to this demand,  technical team began working on this feature.

After extensive testing and adjustments, we are excited to bring 3D projection support in this OTA update, ensuring a more immersive experience for watching movies, playing games, and viewing sports events.

Kif tikseb l-Aġġornament

If you already own the Theater Premium, simply make sure your projector is connected to a Wi-Fi network. When the OTA update is released, you will receive a pop-up notification prompting you to update. Just click confirm and install the update, then restart the projector to start enjoying the 3D experience.

If you didn’t receive the pop-up notification, you can manually go to the Settings page to check for firmware updates. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update, and restart the projector to experience the new 3D feature.

How to Use 3D After the Update

3D Glasses Requirements:

Using 3D with YouTube:

Please note that YouTube is simply used as an example here—other 3D content sources or streaming platforms will work as well.

    • 1 pass: Open the YouTube app and select the Fittex għażla mill-menu xellug.
  1. s1.jpg 
    • 2 pass: Use the remote control to enter the keyword “3D” and hit search.
  3. s2.jpg 
    • 3 pass: In the 3D search results, choose a video (e.g., Demo 3D [SBS]). Be sure to select a video with either a side-by-side or top-and-bottom split screen.
  5. s3.jpg 
    • 4 pass: Once the 3D video plays, press the Settings button on the remote, then select Stampa in the pop-up dialog.
  7. s4.jpg 
    • 5 pass: In the pop-up menu, click Settings Avvanzata.
  9. s5.jpg 
    • 6 pass: Ikklikkja Modalità 3D, li huwa ssettjat għal Off awtomatikament.
  11. s6.jpg 
    • 7 pass: Since Step 3 selected a side-by-side video, choose the Ġenb l-ġenb mode in 3D mode; if it's a top-and-bottom video, select the Fuq u t'isfel modalità.
  13. s7.jpg 
    • 8 pass: Agħfas il-buttuna lura button on the remote twice to remove the left menu, and you can now watch the 3D video in full-screen mode.
  15. s8.jpg 

    Nota Importanti:

      • If you don’t continue playing the 3D video, you’ll need to follow the above steps each time to enable 3D mode

Let try out the new 3D feature on your Theater Premium. Enjoy your 3D experience, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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